Theory and Practice of Modern Mass
Science for Media Industry
The article presents some trends of media industry development in view of digital
transformations. The author proposes to modernize the system of academic support
of media industry activities. In this regard a set of statistical indicators of the condition,
trends and estimated scenarios of the industry development is to be developed. The
industry shift to digital technologies requires re-training and advanced training of
creative staff and employees of editorial ofces. The article supports possibility of
establishing a Scientic Expert Centre under the Media Industry Academy.
Key words: media industry, digital technologies, statistical indicators,
scientic expert centre, re-training and advanced training of the sta.
A. R. Kotaeva
Media Convergence Era. Transformation of the Genre Concept on the
Internet (XXI Century)
Media convergence is a process in the modern media industry starting in the second
half of the 90s, when the mass media began developing their Internet versions. The
process is associated with technical progress in data transmission and storage and
leads to merger of previously separate mass media (on the basis of a web platform
and/or convergent editorial ofce), as well as departments and units of a media
company for mutual generation of content and its distribution on various media
platforms. Media convergence has resulted in emergence of new mass media types
and new forms of content presentation.
Key words: genres transformation, media convergence, media text,
journalism, advertising and PR.
L. A. Rechitsky, E. V. Kharybin
Man in the Communication Framework
Intellectual progress and knowledge exchange and accumulation take place through
the communication system developing in space and time. The connection between
the communication system development and rate of the world population growth
became clear in the 70s of the last century, when deviations from Foerster law began
to be observed, consisting in slowdown of the population growth rate, and when
explosive development and spreading of electronic mass media occurred. This
coincidence requires consideration in the retrospective of communication models,
technologies used by the man in the course of communication, creation of new
communication models, development of new competencies and expertise in various
life spheres.
Key words: communications theory, digitalisation, Internet development,
mass media development, digital communication act.
E. V. Yakubovich
Scientic Data as a Driver of the Profession Image Creation
(in the Context of Chemical Industry)
The article denes such concept as the industry image and formulates basic features
of specic scientic data driving creation of the chemical science and industry image
and, respectively, the chemist's profession. The research was performed on the basis
of more than two hundred web-resources, including online versions of conventional
mass media, as well as new media addressing chemical issues.
Key words: data, image, chemical industry, scientic, research and
development and popular science journalism, web-resources, new media.
Mass Media and Society
A. N. Solomatin
Specic Aspects of International Legal Regulation in the Information Sphere
The article presents matters of international legal regulation of information and com-
munication technologies, specics of using "information weapons” and various ap-
proaches to using the “aggression” term. The author analyses the options of de-
veloping international information security standards and arranging the system for
prevention of unlawful and uncontrolled use of information and Internet technologies.
The role of Russia and its allies in the process of making decisions on trans-border
information attacks containment, in triggering interstate conicts and in establish-
ment of a special-purpose UN entity in this regard is described.
Key words: aggression, information weapons, information attacks,
cyberwar, cybercrime, crucial information infrastructure, international law,
interstate military conicts, NATO, UN.
Sociology of Mass Communications
M. I. Zhabsky
Denition of Objectives and Theoretical Origins of the
Film Sociology by Dieter Prokop
Filming process in modern Russia mostly reproduces that of Hollywood. The efforts
for lm industry emancipation nationally and abroad are supported by the state, with-
out much success however. As the major direct cause of failures is the competitive
power of Hollywood, an important question arises: what is this power due to? The
sociological discourse of D. Prokop, deserving strong attention in Russia, shows
social “mechanics” of the international monopolist’s expansion. The article presents
the history of this discourse origin and its theoretical bases views of Frankfurt
school. The issue of authentic Marxism ideas inuencing D. Prokop's sociological
research is touched upon, in view of Frankfurt school's attempts on modernising
such ideas in the context of the XX century.
Key words: capitalism, lm industry, Hollywood, communication,
sociological discourse, Frankfurt school, Marxism.
K. A. Tarasov
Determinants of Entertaining Violence Mass Production in Film Industry
Representation of violence in cinematic world-view is caused, ultimately, by
its presence in life of the man a biosocial creature with a natural instinct of
aggression. The images of violence on the screen can open people’s eyes to
unattractive real world, but at the same time satisfy their need for entertainment,
which is used by lm industry for commercial interest. Mass production of the images
of violence is also rooted in social and economic relations inside the society and its
cultural practice, taking the shape of “socially important” or “entertaining” matter.
Key words: society, man, lm industry, causality, need, performance,
entertainment, violence, representation, regulation, science.
Political Science
Yu. D. Granin
Social State in Russia and Worldwide. Problems and Prospects
The article analyses major theoretical approaches to studying social state and dis-
ciplinary and cross-disciplinary interpretations of this concept. It also dwells upon
world-view background determining the formation of such phenomenon as social
state in the West European civilization of the 18—19 century and upon basic models
of modern social state in the EU and USA. Weaknesses of the Russian state social
policy are also unveiled. The author formulates basic principles of the state social
policy doctrine in Russia for the proximate decades, its objectives and ways of im-
Key words: poverty, state, doctrine, model, social state, social policy
Gilbert Doctorow
Vladimir Putin Saying to the West:
“We Will Bury You!”
The well-known political expert studying modern Russian history over a number of
years contemplates in his article on the attitude of the US and European political elite
to the leaders of our country. Using the examples of N. S. Khrushchev, General Sec-
retary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, — originator of the Cuban Missile
Crisis almost having plunged the world into the chaos of nuclear war, and current
Russian President V. V. Putin committed to meaningful dialogue with the West for the
sake of progressive human development, the author shows their image in the eyes
of the US and European politicians and major mass media at different points of his-
tory. Carrying out his analysis, the author tries to nd out the causes of this contrast.
Key words: political classes, state leaders, peaceful coexistence,
regional power, isolation, cold war, toxicity, marginal force, mutual trust.
History of Journalism
B. A. Igraev
Tula Newspapers in the First Year of War
The article consolidates and systematises archive data on regional, district and
factories’ newspapers issued in Tula Region on the threshold and during the first year
of the Great Patriotic War. The contents and nature of the newspapers are presented.
Key words: newspaper, editorial oce, war, themes, mobilisation,
А.V. Chernyak
People Masterminds (Article Two)
The newspaper's position is determined by the editor. However, even the most
gifted leader, who is, as they say, as wise as Solomon, cannot make the periodical
interesting, if they have no like-minded colleagues, good frontline workers, etc.
the team, in short. Journalists, as Pushkin has said, are folk of the state. They clarify
state policy, accumulate and reect people's mind in press, trumpet the most recent
advances and criticise weaknesses. So, it is the well-known editors and journalists
of the rst Soviet decades who are described in this article. It continues the story of
people masterminds started in the previous issue of the magazine.
Key words: Soviet press, editors of Soviet newspapers and magazines,
well-known journalists of the after-October period.
Media Education
V. V. Novikov
Internet Project as a Phenomenon of New Media and Key to Training of
Modern Journalism Professionals
The article presents such phenomenon of modern media as Internet projects, which
today are likely to become a specic genre and, probably, a specic type of
journalism. A journalistic genre is a form of arranging journalist text, the type of which
depends on specic structural and semantic features and functional objectives.
Considering Internet projects, we see how all new media types and absolutely
different functional objectives are entwined here, which distinguishes these projects
from all other areas of modern journalism. However, just like genres, they can vary in
terms of structural and semantic features, subdividing into informational, analytical,
scientic, educational and research projects. One of the major advantages of Internet
projects is that they enable users to obtain complete and diversied information
and journalists to develop multimedia professional skills, that today are a key to
success in journalism.
Key words: Internet projects, Wikinomics, media, multimedia,
information, communication, text, Internet, technology, peering.